Friday, July 19, 2019

MMTT4S - Lunar Lunch, Anyone?

Captain's Log: 19 July 2019, The Moon (imagined)

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How about a dinner party on the Moon?

It's not that far fetched. NASA is planning a sustained presence on and around the Moon by 2028. Check this out for all the details - awesome!

Still, we are a ways off from hosting cookouts and watching the big game from the comforts of a humble lunar abode. I hope to see that happen, though. Heck, I'd hope to be one of the hosts, but that may be more likely for my grandkids or great grandkids. Maybe they'll Skype me down here on Earth and let me experience the lunar life vicariously. By then, we may be visiting with each other by 3D holograms or better. Or maybe - "GG to young Wally the 5th...beam me up, sonny boy." Who knows?

Riddles In The Sand
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Today's tune is the 3rd Buffet song I'm using to celebrate Apollo 11's historical flight to the Moon, an epic adventure that occurred 50 years ago. This song is from his CD Riddles in the Sand, released in 1984, and is titled "Come to the Moon." Yet another song about life away from our planet, this tune displays what might be a fantasy of Jimmy's - living on the Moon. According to the singer, it sounds like lunar living may include a bit of solitude and, thus, he is inviting his sweetheart, who he misses dearly, to come visit. After all, according to Buffett, half a million miles isn't all that far in this future, and a starship's about to depart.

Do you ever imagine what lunar or martian or planet "x" colonies would be like? I do (is that weird?). I'm sure my imagination has created conditions and environs that are impossible to produce on Earth, much less on alien worlds. If we ever do populate the moon, don't be surprised if a Margaritaville Restaurant and Adult Community pop up on the shores of the Sea of Tranquility. Would those residences be considered beach houses on the Moon? I wouldn't be surprised if talks are underway.  Not sure I'd want my permanent residence there, but a vacation home might be nice for an occasional cosmic getaway. Just think - you come in after playing 18 holes, having outdriven your longest golf drives back home on the local muni course by cool couple of miles, a full Earth shining bright overhead, not a cloud in the sky, your favorite hangout just a hop, skip, and a jump away - literally. The views would be breathtaking, not to mention the atmosphere, so leave your helmet on.

It would be cool.

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Frigid, really. At least during the night. The days would be sweltering. According to, the temperature on the Moon can fluctuate from -298 (yes, that's a negative) to 224 Fahrenheit. So, there's that. Minor hurdle. NASA and SpaceX, I'm sure, have that covered.

Then there's the whole oxygen thing. Again, a minor detail that a little planning (and some genius scientists and engineers) will certainly remedy.

Getting there has been done, but is still an issue. Cost, training, timing - blah, blah, blah.

Well, we've a ways to go until "Come to the Moon" is a beckoning we may hear regularly. Until then, though, enjoy yet another Jimmy Buffett song for the summer and celebrate Apollo 11's grand feat from 50 years ago.

Oh, and check this out for today from NASA! According to NASA: "Today at 1 p.m. EDT, NASA celebrates the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 and looks to exploration of the Moon and Mars in a live, two-hour broadcast. NASA TV will air Apollo 11 programming all week including replays of the original historic Moon landing footage on July 20."

From mission control - Aloha, amigos!

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