Monday, June 10, 2019

Margaritaville Musings and Tropical Tunage for the Summer

Summer officially starts for me today.  While I rather prefer the Memorial Day-to-Labor Day spread for this season, I must adhere to the dates set forth in my school district’s calendar, since I make my meager living in the field of education. At least I have a few weeks “off” to enjoy the stretch of longer days and more direct blasts from the sun’s rays.

Some may argue that summer is a state of mind, much like age (you’re only as old as you think you are), happiness (you decide whether you are happy or not), home (is where the heart is), and health (if I eat 6 doughnuts for breakfast, I can work them off during the day; besides, they’re mostly air and I am drinking milk).

I can concur.

For my purposes herein, however, let’s just go with 9 weeks. Starting today, June 10th, 2019.

What are my purposes, you ask?

I am going to provide you a link to a tune from the King of Somewhere Hot himself, Jimmy Buffett, and include a brief, personal reflection upon that tune. What better way to bask in the wonder of summer than to feast your ears on a Buffett gem and feast your eyes on a commentary by me?

Throughout the next 9 weeks.


I’m here to serve.

Tropical Tune 1 is, of course, his most famous and most lucrative. Talk about a state of mind. This tune has taken on a life all its own, the likes of which very few, if any, songs have ever enjoyed. It’s Jimmy Buffet’s brand. It has spawned books, stores, restaurants, casinos, food and drink, an online radio stationresorts, footwear, resident communities, and more. The song is a summertime anthem that debuted in 1977 on the Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes album. You probably know the words by heart. Funny thing is, its lyrics don’t claim any type of summer celebration or party guidelines, like you would expect a summer staple to do. Instead, the words claim that the singer’s hangover-induced run of bad luck (flip flop blowout, pop top injury, lost shaker of salt) is possibly a woman’s fault, or nobody’s fault, but more likely his own damn fault. Not what you’d expect to be driving a beach bash of epic proportions. Yet, it resonated then and it resonates still today. It’s simple, and memorable, and clever, and fun. People seem to want to go there – Margaritaville, that is. And Jimmy Buffett has been transporting them there for over 40 years.

Penned by Buffett himself, the majority in about 5 minutes reportedly, here’s "Margaritaville." Cheers!

Image courtesy of

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